The Great Advantages of Motorway Digital Advertising

Being Europe’s most spectacular LED sign offers its perks and is the perfect opportunity for promotion of your brand and all-round advertisement. Located in one of the most primal locations for day-to-day busyness, there’s not a single passer by that won’t notice you ad campaign. So, if you’re looking for an innovative, fresh way to market your business, Midpoint are here to do that for you.
Benefits and Advantages of Digital Screen Advertising
One of the greatest and surprising advantages is the cost effectiveness of using a digital screen for advertising. When you add up all the factors that go into creating a standard advert board, there’s a lot of things that come as additional expenses that wouldn’t be a problem if you advertise digitally.
For example, vandalisms would need repairing which is expensive and also can take a long time to do. This brings me to the next advantage: components to your digital ad can be changed quickly, so if there’s something you don’t like or something no longer relevant to the campaign, we can get it removed much quicker than a physical board could.
Another great feature of Digital Screen Advertising is the creative freedom you gain. The colour pallet is excessive, the option to animate elements of the ad and the overall bright, attractiveness makes these types of ads much more eye catching and appealing to those who are driving by.
The greatest advantage we have is our location: Being located on the M6 M5 Link means that thousands of people everyday will see your advertisement. Not only do we reach a large number of people but within those numbers is broad spectrum of individuals with all different kinds of jobs, hobbies, family lives and interests – this is amazing because this allows the opportunity to captivate customers and clients you might usually not have.

Europe’s Biggest Motorway LED Screen
In regard to impacts, with those travelling past our sign we can market to over 3.5 million people fortnightly. The tactical positioning of our screens means they can be easily seen from both sides of the road and are safely in the eyeline of both drivers and passengers.
Brand recall is integral to a successful ad campaign and by having motorway digital advertising in a prominent location like ours, those travelling past daily are more likely to store your advert in their mind.
Something great about our Motorway Advertising being digitalised is the control to decide what time of day you want your ad shown. Depending on your business, you can decide what the best time of day is for your ad to be showcased to thousands. For example, if you’re promoting alcohol deals, the morning isn’t going to appeal to many, so you have the freedom to manipulate the times its shown, to appeal to the most appropriate target audience.
Additionally, it’s an easy way to build brand awareness by getting your name displayed to thousands of people daily, so no matter who is passing by your ad will noticed – not just because they’re passing but the bright LED display is an eye-catching, attractive way to showcase your campaign.